Bentam, already a key player in public sector financing.
2021 retrospective of Bentam's activity in financing of public and parapublic sectors.

In 2021, we advised our clients in the setting up of 128 bond issues, under EMTN programme or on a stand-alone basis, involving 43 different issuers: 17 local authorities, 18 public health institutions and 8 parapublic entities.
Regarding these operations, we acted as advisers to placement agents and issuers.
Most of these bonds, for an aggregate amount of almost EUR 2.9 billion, were admitted to trading on Euronext Paris, Euronext Growth Paris or Euronext Access Paris markets.
We also advised public and parapublic sector financing actors in 15 updates and 2 establishments of EMTN programmes, as well as 5 establishments of Neu CP programmes.